SEO Technology

AdWords Alert: Google Ads Will Pause Low-Activity Keywords Starting in June

Are you an avid user of Google Ads, constantly fine-tuning your campaigns to ensure optimal performance and reach? If so, you might want to pay close attention to the latest announcement from Google: starting in June, low-activity keywords will be automatically paused. This change could significantly impact the way you manage your advertising efforts, so let’s delve deeper into what this means for advertisers.

Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, is a powerful platform that enables businesses to reach their target audience through paid advertising. One of the fundamental aspects of managing Google Ads campaigns is selecting the right keywords to target. These keywords serve as triggers for when your ads are displayed to users searching for relevant terms on Google.

However, not all keywords perform equally. Some may generate a high volume of impressions and clicks, driving valuable traffic to your website, while others may languish with minimal activity. Identifying and addressing underperforming keywords is essential for optimizing your ad spend and maximizing ROI.

To streamline the management of Google Ads campaigns and improve overall performance, Google has announced that starting in June, keywords with low activity will be automatically paused. Specifically, keywords that have received no impressions in the past 13 months will be subject to this automatic pause.

What are Low-Activity Keywords?

Low-activity keywords, also known as low-volume keywords, are search terms with minimal search volume or traffic. These keywords are often specific, niche-oriented, or less commonly used by search engine users. While high-volume keywords attract a large number of searches, low-activity keywords receive significantly fewer searches, sometimes even just a handful per month.

Characteristics of Low-Activity Keywords:

Limited Search Volume: Low-activity keywords typically have low search volume, meaning they are not frequently searched by users.

Specificity: These keywords are often more specific and long-tail, targeting a narrower audience with particular interests or needs.

Longer Phrases: Unlike broad keywords, low-activity keywords tend to be longer phrases or questions, reflecting users’ specific search intent.

Lower Competition: Due to their low search volume, these keywords generally have lower competition among websites vying for search engine ranking positions.

Challenges of Low-Activity Keywords:

Limited Traffic: Since low-activity keywords receive minimal search traffic, ranking for them may not significantly boost your website’s overall visibility or traffic.

Difficulty in Targeting: Identifying and targeting low-activity keywords requires thorough keyword research and an understanding of your niche, making it challenging for beginners to navigate.

ROI Concerns: Investing time and resources in optimizing for low-activity keywords may not always yield a significant return on investment, especially if they fail to generate enough traffic or conversions.

Strategies to Handle Low-Activity Keywords:

Long-Tail Optimization: Focus on long-tail keywords that are more specific and have lower competition. While these keywords may have lower search volume individually, they can collectively contribute to meaningful traffic.

Content Optimization: Create high-quality content that addresses niche topics or caters to specific user queries related to low-activity keywords. Providing valuable and relevant information can attract and retain visitors interested in those topics.

Diversify Keyword Strategy: Balance your keyword strategy by targeting a mix of high-volume, medium-volume, and low-activity keywords. This ensures a broader reach while also catering to niche audiences.

Localized Targeting: If applicable, incorporate location-based keywords to target users in specific geographical areas. This can be especially effective for businesses with a local presence or offering location-based services.

Monitor and Adapt: Regularly monitor the performance of low-activity keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly. If certain keywords consistently fail to drive traffic, consider replacing them with alternatives or focusing on more promising opportunities.

Unpausing Paused Keywords: A Vital Step in Optimizing Your Google Ads

Keywords are the backbone of any PPC strategy, determining when and where your ads will appear. However, sometimes keywords need to be paused temporarily for various reasons. But what happens when it’s time to unpause them? Let’s delve into the significance of unpausing paused keywords and how it can revitalize your PPC campaign.

Need for Pausing Keywords in Google Ads

Before we explore the process of unpausing keywords, it’s essential to understand why pausing them might be necessary in the first place. Here are a few common scenarios:

Performance Issues: Keywords that are underperforming or not generating the desired results may need to be paused temporarily to prevent wasting ad spend.

Seasonal Variations: Certain keywords may be highly relevant during specific seasons or events but lose their effectiveness during other times. Pausing them during off-peak periods can help optimize your budget.

Budget Constraints: When you’re nearing your budget limit or reallocating funds to higher-performing keywords, pausing less effective ones can help you maintain control over your spending.

Consequences of Pausing Keywords in Google Ads

While pausing keywords can be a prudent strategy in the short term, it’s essential to recognize the potential consequences:

Loss of Visibility: Pausing keywords means your ads will no longer appear for those specific search terms, potentially reducing your visibility and traffic.

Impact on Quality Score: Paused keywords may lose historical data and relevance, which can impact their Quality Score when you decide to reactivate them.

Competitive Disadvantage: Your competitors may seize the opportunity to capture the market share previously occupied by your paused keywords, further diminishing your presence in relevant search results.

Importance of Unpausing Keywords in Google Ads

Now that we’ve discussed why keywords are paused and the potential drawbacks, let’s explore why unpausing them is crucial for maintaining a robust PPC campaign:

Reactivating High-Performing Keywords: Keywords that were paused due to budget constraints or seasonal variations may become relevant again. Unpausing them allows you to capitalize on their previous success and leverage their potential for driving conversions.

Maintaining Relevance and Visibility: Unpausing keywords ensure that your ads remain visible for a broader range of search queries, thereby increasing your chances of attracting qualified leads and customers.

Preserving Historical Data: Unpausing keywords retain their historical performance data, which is invaluable for optimizing your campaign strategy. It provides insights into past performance trends and helps you make informed decisions about budget allocation and keyword targeting

What Does This Mean for Advertisers ( Google Ads?

For starters, it underscores the importance of regularly reviewing and optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. Keywords that fail to generate impressions over an extended period may indicate that they are not effectively reaching your target audience or that they are too broad or irrelevant.

By automatically pausing these low-activity keywords, Google aims to help advertisers focus their attention and resources on keywords that are more likely to drive meaningful results. This proactive approach can save advertisers time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually reviewing and pausing inactive keywords.

However, it’s essential to note that this automatic pausing of low-activity keywords doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. If you choose to re-enable these keywords, they could be paused again after three months if they continue to exhibit minimal activity. This policy encourages advertisers to regularly assess the performance of their keywords and make informed decisions about which ones to prioritize.

So, what should advertisers do to adapt to this upcoming change?

First and foremost, take proactive steps to review your Google Ads campaigns and identify any low-activity keywords that may be subject to automatic pausing. Evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of these keywords in reaching your target audience and driving desired outcomes.

Consider alternative keyword strategies or adjust your targeting parameters to improve the performance of underperforming keywords. Experiment with different match types, ad copy variations, or bidding strategies to see if you can revive their effectiveness.

Additionally, stay informed about updates and changes to Google Ads policies and algorithms. Google’s advertising platform is continually evolving, and staying ahead of the curve can help you maintain a competitive edge in the digital advertising landscape.

In conclusion, Google’s decision to automatically pause low-activity keywords starting in June underscores the importance of ongoing optimization and management of Google Ads campaigns. By focusing on keywords that drive meaningful results and adapting to changes in the advertising landscape, advertisers can maximize the impact of their advertising efforts and achieve their business objectives. So, take heed of this upcoming change and be proactive in optimizing your Google Ads campaigns for success.


The Role of AI and Machine Learning in SEO Strategies

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in SEO Strategies

In the world of SEO, predictive analytics fueled by AI and ML is changing the game. Instead of just reacting to trends, marketers can now anticipate them, aligning strategies with current and future user needs.

Enhancing Content with AI and ML

AI and ML are revolutionizing content creation and optimization. By analyzing data on engagement and performance, these technologies help tailor content to match user intent better. Natural Language Processing (NLP), a crucial part of AI, ensures that content aligns with what users are searching for, improving visibility and engagement.

Adapting to Voice Search

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, requiring SEO strategies to evolve. AI and ML are key here, as they understand natural language queries well. This means optimizing content for voice search by incorporating conversational queries and making content accessible through both traditional and voice searches.

Personalizing the User Experience

AI and ML excel at personalizing the digital experience. Using user behavior data, content, recommendations, and search results can be tailored to each individual. This not only boosts user satisfaction but also signals to search engines the relevance and value of the content, positively impacting SEO rankings.

Considering Ethical Issues

While AI and ML offer great power for SEO, they also raise ethical concerns. Data privacy and the potential for manipulation are key issues. Balancing technological advancements with ethical considerations is crucial, emphasizing transparency and building user trust.

Embracing AI and ML for SEO Success

The integration of AI and ML into SEO practices is reshaping the landscape. These technologies provide insights and efficiency, offering a competitive edge and enabling more user-centric SEO strategies.

Practical Applications for All Businesses

AI and ML aren’t just for big corporations; they’re accessible tools for businesses of all sizes. Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can utilize AI-powered SEO tools to refine their strategies and enhance user engagement.

What is AI and how is it used in content optimization and SEO?

One such powerful tool in their arsenal is Artificial Intelligence (AI). But what exactly is AI, and how is it utilized in content optimization and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to mimic human actions. These machines can analyze data, recognize patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. AI encompasses various technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks.

How is AI used in Content Optimization?

Content optimization is the process of refining digital content to improve its relevance, readability, and engagement. AI plays a pivotal role in this by:

  1. Content Analysis: AI tools can analyze vast amounts of content to identify patterns and insights. They can determine which keywords are most effective, what type of content performs best, and even predict future trends.
  2. Personalization: AI algorithms can personalize content based on user behavior, preferences, and demographics. This enhances user experience and increases engagement.
  3. Automated Writing: Some AI platforms can generate content autonomously based on predefined parameters. While these tools may not replace human writers entirely, they can assist in creating initial drafts, generating product descriptions, or even composing social media posts.
  4. Content Recommendations: AI-powered recommendation engines suggest relevant content to users based on their browsing history, interactions, and interests. This increases user engagement and encourages longer sessions on a website.
  5. Optimizing for Voice Search: With the rise of voice search, AI helps in optimizing content for natural language queries. By understanding conversational language patterns, AI can improve the content to align with how people speak.

How AI and ML are transforming the SEO landscape?


In today’s digital age, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rapidly evolving, thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Here’s how these technologies are revolutionizing SEO:

  • Personalized Search Results: AI and ML algorithms analyze user data to deliver more personalized search results, taking into account factors like location, search history, and preferences. This leads to a better user experience and higher engagement rates.
  • Improved Content Optimization: AI-powered tools help marketers optimize their content by analyzing keywords, readability, and relevance. ML algorithms can identify patterns in user behavior to suggest content improvements, resulting in higher search rankings.
  • Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, optimizing content for voice search has become crucial. AI algorithms help understand natural language queries, enabling businesses to tailor their content accordingly and capture voice search traffic.
  • Predictive Analytics: ML algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to predict future trends and behaviors, allowing SEO professionals to stay ahead of the curve. By understanding user intent and behavior patterns, marketers can optimize their strategies for maximum impact.
  • Automated SEO Tasks: AI-powered tools automate repetitive SEO tasks such as keyword research, link building, and rank tracking. This not only saves time but also ensures more accurate and efficient optimization efforts.
  • Enhanced User Experience: AI-driven technologies like chatbots and recommendation engines enhance user experience by providing instant assistance and personalized recommendations. A positive user experience leads to higher dwell time and lower bounce rates, signaling to search engines that the website is valuable to users.
  • Algorithm Updates: Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving to deliver more relevant and authoritative content to users. AI and ML play a crucial role in understanding these updates and adapting SEO strategies accordingly to maintain or improve search rankings.
  • Competitive Analysis: AI-powered tools provide insights into competitors’ strategies, keywords, and backlink profiles, allowing businesses to identify opportunities and threats in the competitive landscape. This competitive intelligence helps refine SEO strategies for better performance.

How is AI used in SEO?

SEO is the practice of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). AI enhances SEO efforts through:

  1. Algorithm Updates: Search engines like Google continuously update their algorithms to deliver more relevant and accurate results to users. AI helps SEO professionals adapt to these changes by analyzing data patterns and optimizing content accordingly.
  2. Ranking Analysis: AI tools can analyze search engine ranking factors and identify opportunities for improvement. They can assess backlink profiles, keyword usage, and content quality to enhance a website’s SEO strategy.
  3. Predictive Analytics: AI can predict changes in search engine algorithms and user behavior, allowing SEO professionals to stay ahead of the curve. By anticipating trends, they can adjust their strategies to maintain or improve rankings.
  4. Competitive Analysis: AI-powered tools can analyze competitors’ SEO strategies, including keywords, backlinks, and content performance. This insight helps businesses identify areas where they can outperform their rivals and gain a competitive edge.

The AI and ML Revolution in SEO: A Simple Breakdown

In today’s digital world, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a cornerstone of online success. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the SEO landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. Let’s break down how AI and ML are revolutionizing SEO in simple bullet points:

  • Enhanced User Experience:
    • AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences, allowing websites to tailor content and design for a better user experience.
    • ML helps search engines understand user intent more accurately, ensuring that search results align closely with what users are looking for.
  • Content Optimization:
    • AI-powered tools assist in keyword research, content creation, and optimization.
    • ML algorithms help in understanding semantic search, enabling websites to produce more relevant and high-quality content.
  • Personalized Search Results:
    • AI algorithms personalize search results based on individual user preferences, location, search history, and behavior.
    • ML helps search engines anticipate user needs, delivering more tailored and relevant search results.
  • Voice Search Optimization:
    • AI-driven voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant rely on ML to understand natural language queries.
    • SEO strategies are adapting to optimize content for voice search, including long-tail keywords and conversational phrases.
  • Predictive Analytics:
    • AI and ML analyze vast amounts of data to predict trends, patterns, and changes in search algorithms.
    • SEO professionals can anticipate shifts in search engine behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Image and Video Recognition:
    • AI-powered image and video recognition technologies help search engines understand multimedia content.
    • This enables better indexing and ranking of visual content, enhancing overall SEO efforts.
  • Automated SEO Tasks:
    • AI streamlines repetitive SEO tasks such as metadata optimization, link building, and monitoring website performance.
    • ML algorithms continuously learn and improve, automating routine SEO processes for greater efficiency.
  • Local SEO Optimization:
    • AI-powered tools assist businesses in optimizing their online presence for local searches.
    • ML algorithms help identify local search patterns and preferences, ensuring businesses appear prominently in local search results.
  • Real-time SEO Insights:

How AI can help with keyword research and optimization?

One of the key elements in achieving this is mastering keyword research and optimization. Thankfully, with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), this task has become more efficient and effective than ever before. Let’s delve into how AI can revolutionize your keyword strategy:

  • Automated Keyword Generation: AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data to generate relevant keywords based on your niche, target audience, and objectives. This saves time and ensures a comprehensive list of potential keywords to target.
  • Semantic Analysis: AI-powered tools can analyze the context and meaning behind keywords, helping you understand user intent better. This insight allows you to tailor your content to match what your audience is searching for, improving relevance and engagement.
  • Competitor Analysis: AI can analyze competitors’ websites and content to identify their top-performing keywords. This competitive intelligence enables you to refine your strategy and target keywords that offer the most significant opportunities for growth.
  • Predictive Analytics: By leveraging AI’s predictive capabilities, you can forecast trends and anticipate shifts in keyword demand. This proactive approach ensures that your content remains relevant and resonates with your audience over time.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP algorithms enable AI to understand and interpret human language, including colloquialisms and long-tail keywords. This capability allows for more accurate keyword targeting and enhances the effectiveness of your optimization efforts.
  • Dynamic Optimization: AI can continuously monitor and analyze keyword performance, making real-time adjustments to your SEO strategy. This dynamic optimization ensures that your content remains competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
  • Personalized Recommendations: AI-powered platforms can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s suggesting new keywords to target or optimizing existing content, these tailored insights empower you to make data-driven decisions.
  • Enhanced ROI: By streamlining the keyword research and optimization process, AI helps you maximize your return on investment (ROI) in digital marketing. With greater efficiency and effectiveness, you can allocate resources more strategically and achieve better results.
  • AI and ML technologies are revolutionizing the SEO landscape by enabling personalized search experiences, improving content optimization, optimizing for voice search, providing predictive analytics, automating tasks, enhancing user experience, adapting to algorithm updates, and facilitating competitive analysis. Embracing these technologies is essential for businesses to stay competitive and succeed in the ever-changing world of SEO.


    Q: How is AI impacting SEO?

    A: AI is revolutionizing SEO by enabling more accurate and personalized search results, improved content relevance, better understanding of user intent, and enhanced website optimization techniques.

    Q: What role does machine learning play in SEO?

    A: Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, helping search engines understand user behavior, optimize search results, and provide more relevant content.

    Q: How does AI influence keyword research?

    A: AI-powered tools utilize natural language processing to identify semantic relationships between keywords, helping marketers uncover long-tail keywords and optimize content for better search engine rankings.

    Q: Can AI help with content creation for SEO?

    A: Yes, AI-generated content tools assist in generating relevant and engaging content based on user intent, keyword optimization, and content structure, streamlining the content creation process for SEO.

    Q: How does AI impact voice search optimization?

    A: AI algorithms improve voice recognition accuracy and understand natural language queries, enabling websites to optimize content for voice search by focusing on conversational keywords and providing concise, informative answers.

    Q: Is AI beneficial for technical SEO tasks?

    A: Absolutely, AI algorithms can automate technical SEO audits, detect website errors, improve site speed, enhance mobile optimization, and provide actionable insights to optimize website performance and user experience.

    Q: Can AI help with link-building strategies?

    A: AI-driven tools analyze data to identify high-quality link-building opportunities, evaluate backlink profiles, and predict link performance, helping marketers develop effective link-building strategies to boost website authority and rankings.

    Q: How does AI impact SEO analytics and reporting? A: AI-powered analytics platforms gather and analyze data from multiple sources to provide comprehensive insights into website performance, user behavior, keyword rankings, and competitor analysis, enabling marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize SEO strategies effectively.

SEO Technology web

Top 10 Web Development Trends for 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development trends, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial to building websites that are both innovative and user-friendly. As we enter 2023, a new wave of web development trends is set to reshape the digital world. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the top 10 web development trends for the year ahead.


1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):


PWAs continue to gain momentum, offering an app-like experience within a web browser. They are fast, reliable, and provide seamless offline access, making them an excellent choice for enhancing user engagement.


2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration in Web Development Trends:


AI is set to revolutionize web development with features like chatbots, personalized content, and data analytics. AI-driven websites can adapt to user preferences and provide a more tailored user experience.


3. Voice Search Optimization in Web Development Trends:


With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices, web developers need to focus on optimizing websites for voice search. This trend ensures that your site remains accessible to voice search users.


4. Web3 and Blockchain Integration in Web Development Trends:


As the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency expands, web developers are exploring ways to integrate blockchain for secure transactions and data management.


5. WebAssembly (Wasm):


Wasm allows developers to run high-performance, low-level code in browsers. It opens up exciting possibilities for web applications, including games and other resource-intensive software.


6. Single Page Applications (SPAs) in Web Development Trends:


SPAs provide a smooth and responsive user experience by loading content dynamically as users navigate the site. This trend reduces page load times and enhances user engagement.


7. Web Accessibility (A11y):


Ensuring web accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities, is a growing priority. Web developers are focusing on creating sites that are more inclusive, complying with WCAG guidelines.


8. Jamstack Architecture:


Jamstack simplifies web development by decoupling the front-end and back-end, making sites more secure and faster to load.


9. Motion UI:


Adding interactive animations and micro-interactions to websites is becoming more popular. These not only make sites visually appealing but also improve user engagement.


10. Cybersecurity and Privacy:


With increasing online threats, cybersecurity is a top priority. Developers are focusing on enhancing website security and user privacy through practices like HTTPS adoption and data encryption.

As web development continues to evolve, staying updated with these trends is essential for delivering high-quality, cutting-edge websites.


Hire Dedicated developer from RND Experts To Transform Your Business:

While not all trends may be relevant to every project, understanding and implementing the ones that align with your specific goals can set you on the path to success in the world of web development in 2023 and beyond. So, whether you’re a web developer or a business owner, keeping an eye on these trends will help you stay ahead in the digital landscape.

SEO Technology

10 Tips to Improve Social Media Marketing by RND Experts

Social media marketing refers to the information you provide when sharing content on social media platforms to optimize its visibility and engagement. Here are 10 tips to help improve your social media marketing strategy, with relevant keywords included:

1. Define Your Goals in Social Media Marketing:

Firstly set your goal clearly for your social media marketing efforts. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales, knowing your objectives will guide your social media marketing strategy.

2. Know Your Audience:

Try to understand first your target interests, demographics, and behavior. This information will help you create content that resonates with your audience and engages them effectively in your social media campaigns.

3. Choose the Right Platforms:

Choose the right social media platform that is suitable for your business. Focus on the platforms where your target audience is most active. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are very popular for social media advertising and promotion.

4. Consistent Branding:

Properly maintain your brand identity on all social media profiles. Use the same profile picture, cover photo, and brand colors to build brand recognition in your social media branding efforts.

5. Content Strategy in Social Media Marketing:

Create unique content that outlines what type of content you will post and when. Content with a variety of formats which includes text, images, videos, and stories in your social media content planning.

6. Engagement and Interaction in Social Media Marketing Strategy:

Don’t just post content; engage with your audience. Respond to comments and messages promptly. Encourage discussions and interactions among your followers to foster social media engagement.

7. Use Hashtags Wisely:

Hashtags will help to increase the visibility of your all posts on Google. Research and use relevant and trending hashtags to expand your reach in your social media marketing campaigns. But don’t overdo it; quality matters more than quantity in social media hashtag usage.

8. Analytics & Insights in Social Media Marketing Strategy:

Monitor the performance of social media efforts by using analytics tools provided by the platforms. Track metrics every day like engagement, reach, clicks, and conversions to assess what’s working and what needs improvement in your social media analytics strategy.

9. Paid Advertising:

Consider always using paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience. Platforms like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Ads offer advanced targeting options to get your content in front of the right people in your social media advertising efforts.

10 Stay Updated:

Social media trends and algorithms change frequently. Stay informed about the latest updates and trends in the social media landscape. Adapt your strategy accordingly to stay relevant & and effective in your social media marketing updates.

Always remember that social media marketing is like an ongoing process, and it may take time to see significant results. Consistency, patience, and a willingness to adapt are key to success in this dynamic field.

Case Studies SEO

Basically, There Are 3 Types Of Leads

Basically, there are 3 types of Leads

Discover the fundamental breakdown of leads: Uncover the 3 Types Of Leads with our expert insights. Led By Our Founder, We Are Driven By Passion, Innovation, And The Successful Collaboration Of Our Team, Clients, And Users.

Basically, there are 3 types of Leads –

  • Dead Leads
  • Cold Leads
  • Hot Leads

Dead Leads – Lets us assume that we have started our companion on different platforms like Google, Facebook, etc. and at the initial stage our campaigns do not engage users, this will chunk your sales pipeline.

What the reason or Why do we call these leads dead leads or What went wrong, there are many questions coming to our minds

  • We have targeted the wrong audience
  • Our Design is not up to the mark
  • We are not using fresh content
  • Time factors
  • Money Factor is that the audience you are targetting has low or no money to use your product or service.

there are many such factors…

How to engage your Cold Leads and convert them into sales

When the lead is called dead lead then maximum we lose our hope and we never focus on those but yeah here are some insight points where we can convert our dead lead to sale lead

  • We can always ask from our dead lead for the referral because referral sales will always give you profit and long-term relations and work
  • You will always ask your customer why you are not interested in our product/service and you will work on those points to make your product/service better
  • Drop the email to your dead leads with your offer, like you can offer some discount coupon or discount in %age or also ask them this offer is only valid for today or for a couple of hours

Cold Leads – Cold leads are those who have initially given a good interest in your product/service but at some point, they have lost their interest. There are many factors related to that

  • Complexity of your product/server
  • Cost-effective may be your competitor offers the same service/product at the same cost.

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    How to engage your Cold Leads and convert them into sales

    – Whenever you feel that this lead is my cold lead then don’t sell the product/service to them, Try to Educate them, let’s assume a Customer is in Australia and wants a similar product/service that you are offering and he will come to Google and Search WordPress theme developer in Australia

    In Google results, they will find you but he is a layman user and doesn’t know much about website development. Initially, they showed good interest in this, filled out your form, and sent the email, there was some conversion start between you and him, but in the mid of this they started to lose interest because lack of knowledge or benefits of the website, So at this stage h/she need education and you also need to change your track,

    Don’t sell them directly, You first need to educate him/her about the benefits of the website and what the outcome will come, etc… Yeah, this is time-consuming but trust me once the customer learns the things and benefits, they definitely will be your long term clients and will never let you until and unless someone offers him best service/product from yours.

    Always work on your product/service to make it better.

    Hot Leads – Everyone knows with the name or name stand/speak itself that Hot leads are qualified leads who understand what you are offering and are willing to commit. They are more likely to result into a sale, you can use specific criteria to assess how close your qualified lead is to making a purchase.

    Here we will have a question that how we can identify that these leads are my Hot leads so here is ans many Businesses are using the BANT framework to identify their hot Leads. BANT stands for Budget, Authority, Need, and timelines.

    If you follow BANT framework, You are looking at prospects’ budget’s that your point of contact has the authority to take the decision, How your offer can fulfill their needs and are able to complete or deliver the products in their timeline. Once you identify those then you will consider that lead as Hot Leads

    or in Simple terms – Pitch your product/service at the right time, just must know the pain of your customer and you have a better solution for him to solve that problem/pain.

    SEO Technology web wordpress

    Web 3.0

    Web 3.0 explores the future of the web with Web 3.0 – a decentralized, user-centric, and immersive online experience. Learn more about the next evolution of the internet.

    Web 3.0

    Web 3.0 is invented by talented people using Web 2.0 technologies as a supporting platform for the creation of high-quality content and services. It refers to a specific technology that the Semantic Web must be able to create.

    The main purpose/objective for Web 3.0 is to develop more intelligent, connected, and open websites. The third generation of internet services for websites and apps will focus on providing a data-driven and Semantic Web employing a machine-based understanding of data. Web 3.0 Get more backlinks and high PR traffic with social media websites and video-sharing sites. It aims to meet the needs of users in context by combining elements such as content, context, community, commerce, vertical or contextual search, and personalization.

    Web 3.0 can provide services and products to people and businesses with high added value due to their assertion and high degree of personalization. Unlike other content-sharing activities such as article submission, blog commenting, press release submission, guest posting, and micro-blogging, you can get preliminary results on a 3.0 website. Web 3.0 is called the Semantic Web, and the web itself serves as a database with smarter search engines, filtering tags, and places where information is displayed as widgets. These will be content-oriented, semantic-based, context-sensitive technology-based services that support semantic-rich websites that can support portable identifiers for use with the web as databases and operating systems. A Web 3.0 site is critical to improving your site’s ranking in search results by generating high-quality back links to your site. It also helps with brand marketing.

    Web 3.0 has the potential to revolutionize the way people use the Internet. With Web 3.0, automation of daily activities, scheduling reminders, AI-powered search and other capabilities will become more common. Web 3.0 has the potential to revolutionize the way people use the Internet. With Web 3.0, automation of daily activities, scheduling reminders, AI-powered search and other capabilities will become more common. It will bring the game a development space that designers have longed for. On the contrary, consumers may expect an improved digital experience and an overall sophisticated Internet. Due to its large processing power, Web 3.0 can provide high-value-added services and products to people and businesses due to its aggressiveness and high degree of customization.

    Web 3.0 is here to completely transform the game across industries. This is a way to digitize existing data and automate all incoming data to save effort and save valuable time. Web 3.0 makes this possible because it has established itself as a “search engine” rather than a “search engine.” Users can expect an improvement in the overall digital experience and an improvement and sophistication of the Internet. 3.0 could be the key to solving all the many problems that can get rid of red tape, save time and increase productivity at low cost. Believe it or not, the internet stays here, so I’m looking forward to a smarter version of the internet.

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      SEO Technology

      Some Amazing Facts About Digital Marketing

      Google updated its algorithm which is followed by every digital marketing expert. Some facts about digital marketing or you can say some unbelievable techniques that can rank your business on Google’s top positions.

      Content Marketing Facts:

      If you are planning for content marketing campaign, but you need help to know how and where you need to start, then the following are some tips or techniques that can help you in content marketing:

      Do progressively more Content Remarketing:

      This is the 1st and foremost point. If you are developing quality content but you are not doing content marketing then there are high possibilities that you cannot achieve your goals for such content in digital marketing. When you create good content then you should tag the targeted traffic who likes your site and comes frequently. Content Re-marketing basically means that you should provide those customers who currently like your material.

      Do keyword research before creating content:

      Doing SEO by following Google algorithms can rank any good content. So, we need to do keyword research if we want to target the exact audience.

      Don’t duplicate the popular blogs:

      This is an essential factor while performing content marketing. Many people begin copying popular blogs and try to develop huge content. By duplicating someone’s work you cannot get success. There is a high possibility that by performing this you will get penalized by search engines and reduce your brand value.

      Examine the Good Results of Your Content:

      Once you have released a good post you require to check whether that post is preferred by the guests or not. There are several tools for that. You can use Google Analytics to track the success of your website. So trace the success and change your tactic accordingly. Check this Freeslotscentral free spin bonuses

      2. Impact of Structured Data on Google :

      What is “structured data”?

      “Structured data” as a basic term simply refers to any details that are structured. For example, if you have a collection of dispersed Post-It notes with phone messages about meetings, dates, times, people, etc, and you arrange these into a table with marked rows and columns for each type of data, you’re structuring the data.

      How does structured data assist SEO?

      Google, Bing, and other search engines motivate webmasters to use structured data, that usage by giving benefits to sites with structured data properly implemented.

      Some of these advantages include search result improvements and content-specific characteristics, such as:

      Rich search results: Contains styling, images, and other visual improvements.

      Rich cards: A difference in rich look for results, similar to rich snippets and created for mobile users.

      Enriched search results: Contains active or immersive functions

      Knowledge Graph: Details about a company such as a brand
      Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs in your search.

      Carousels: A range of multiple rich successes in a carousel-style

      Rich outcomes for AMP: To have your AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) show up in carousels and with rich outcomes, you’ll need to involve structured data.

      These improved search results can also enhance your CTR and drive extra traffic, because they are more creatively attractive and provide extra information to visitors. And increased CTR can also indirectly boost your rankings, as a user actions signal.

      3. Why Mobile-first index is important

      Responsive design:

      According to Google webmaster responsive design is necessary to mobile-first indexing. Following are some steps that are involved in turning a static website into a responsive website little maja.

      • Fluid website grid with balanced instead of fixed measures
      • Flexible texting and images
      • Utilizing design changes to ensure usability for non-desktop equipment
      • Using CSS media concerns to define breakpoints for design and style changes.
      • Write mobile-friendly content.
      • Mobile-first index is not about
      SEO Technology

      Digital Marketing Trends 2018

      Discover strategies, tools, and tips to boost your online presence and engage your audience effectively according to Digital Marketing Trends. Enormous things will happen this year, as well, because of new innovation developments that convey new chances and difficulties to the table.

      The standard promoting procedures like SEO, web-based social networking, Digital Marketing Trends, and transformation rate improvement will keep on being imperative, obviously. In any case, out of the blue since portable shook the web – the distance in 2007 – advertisers should grapple with an altogether unique scene in 2018.

      Here are the promoting procedures that will matter most this year.

      1) Artificial Intelligence

      Artificial intelligence reasoning assumes a pivotal part in the showcasing procedure today. AI can examine purchaser conduct and hunt designs, using information from online life stages and blog entries to enable organizations to see how clients and clients discover their items and administrations.

      Artificial intelligence reasoning likewise offers data and tips to clients by getting into discussions. by 2020, 85% of client connections will be overseen without the requirement for a human. Businesses embracing AI in 2018 will have the capacity to spare expenses and quicken development, getting an edge over their rivals.

      2) Personalisation

      Personalization is something unique we’ve been discussing for some time currently, yet it’s never extremely taken off. The reason is we haven’t generally had the innovation accessible to influence personalization to work adequately.

      This is not true anymore.

      All the innovation you have to make completely customized encounters for clients is there. The main issue currently is that we have the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becoming effective on May 25 and this could make it harder to gather the individual data you have to customize the purchaser travel crosswise over various gadgets/sessions.

      The catchphrase in that last passage is “could”. We don’t yet know how web clients will respond to GDPR and the progressions they drive organizations to make. What’s more, regardless of whether the most cynical expectations work out as expected, brands will at present need to customize singular client sessions however much as could be expected – as we’re as of now observing with chatbots.

      3) Video

      Look at these details on video showcasing from Forbes:

      As indicated by YouTube, versatile video utilization develops by 100% consistently.

      Video is anticipated to guarantee over 80% of all web movement by 2019.

      Adding a video to advertising messages can help navigate rates by 200-300%.

      90% of clients report that item recordings enable them to settle on buying choices.

      64% of clients will probably purchase an item online subsequent to viewing a video about it.

      These numbers demonstrate the significance of joining video into your computerized promoting system in 2018.

      What’s more, don’t simply think about YouTube. To observe higher commitment to your video promoting, you can influence a video to post or begin a live communication on Facebook. Grow Social’s video commitment is demonstrated as follows:

      video-commitment insights

      Giving enlightening substance through outwardly rich video enables you to pass on your message adequately to countless. According to Forrester, one moment of video is equivalent to 1.8 million words.

      Live video is picking up prominence, with countless utilizing it for interviews, item demos, and “off camera” looks of occasions, life in the workplace, how items are made, and so on. Live recordings are an incredible path for organizations to divulge the appearances behind their image, which watchers grasp and love to see, as this ingrains trust in your group of onlookers and adapts your image.

      As indicated by Livestream, 80% of individuals would prefer to observe live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% lean toward live video over social posts.

      With internet-based life stages like Facebook and Instagram propelling their own particular live-gushing video highlights, it has turned out to be less difficult for organizations to incorporate live recordings in their computerized promoting technique.

      4) Influencer Marketing

      Utilizing influencers is an extremely successful showcasing device that attempts to draw in clients. Influencers can be anybody from famous people and Instagram or YouTube stars to understood bloggers and columnists who help spread the news about your business or item through their social channels.

      These individuals connect and draw in with their vast system of devotees and shoppers via web-based networking media, discussing a specific brand that they cherish and use to a crowd of people with whom trust has just been set up. Since this isn’t an advertisement or originating from the organization, influencers can develop a brand’s certain picture in the brains of individuals, along these lines pulling in more clients.

      Since two out of three individuals say that “they trust buyer sentiments posted on the web,” influencer showcasing conveys 11X ROI over every single other type of advanced media!

      A case of influencer advertising the Swedish watch organization Daniel Wellington, which got together with influencers on Instagram to advance its watches with a subtitle that incorporated a rebate code for 15% off.

      5) Voice Search

      In the present advanced time, it is conceivable to answer all inquiries through web indexes. While individuals can get complete data effortlessly, they don’t generally have the persistence to peruse a few passages to bring data. Voice-seeking assumes an essential part in giving all the pertinent data through sound substance. Computerized reasoning is getting more quick-witted and the quantity of mistakes made by voice colleagues like Alexa, Siri, and Google has diminished, as well.

      Numerous brands have included voice seek in their computerized promoting procedures to convey esteem based substance viably to their clients. Domino’s Pizza utilizes voice seek innovation as an approach to build its business, in this way enabling clients to arrange pizzas through Alexa.

      The expanding utilization of voice scan has made it essential for organizations to reevaluate their advanced showcasing methodologies in 2018.

      half of all hunts will be voice seeks constantly 2020

      20% of versatile inquiries on Google are voice looks

      25% of all Bing looks are voice seeks

      10% of Baidu’s pursuit questions are made utilizing voice